The Samreny Family's Geneva Legacy - Geneva College-bwin体育
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The Samreny Family's Geneva Legacy

Picture of The Samreny Family's Geneva Legacy

A Skeptical Start

“What I ended up with was genuine peace.” This was how James Samreny ‘05 describes how he felt after choosing to come to Geneva. James and his wife, Rachel (Cypher) Samreny ‘06, are both Geneva alumni. Although their journeys were different there was one thing they had in common; they were both legacy students, 这意味着他们的父母都曾就读于bwin体育bwin体育.

James describes making his decision in the 11th hour. 他的父亲在bwin体育获得了组织领导硕士学位, and encouraged James to attend, stressing the importance of spiritual development. 虽然他的父亲是这所大学的毕业生,但令人惊讶的是,詹姆斯与bwin体育的互动很少. He had been on campus and had a tour, 但这就是他从父亲那里听到的事情.


在找学校时,詹姆斯首先考虑的是足球. 他承认,他一开始并没有想到最明智的办法,一想到bwin体育,他就不是特别兴奋. As he looked at other schools James says, “主真的激起了我对其他学校的不满. 直到我走进bwin体育,我才真正知道我想要什么.”

同样,瑞秋也没有想要去bwin体育. Rachel’s mom and sister are both Geneva graduates. 瑞秋从小就对bwin体育非常熟悉,并从家人那里听到了关于bwin体育大学的故事,她渴望有一段与妈妈不同的经历. Like most college students, Rachel sought her own path, and wanted to discover her individual purpose and place. 在看了多所学校之后,瑞秋决定至少去bwin体育看看,给它一个机会.

“我去bwin体育过夜,和我认识的一些学生和朋友住在宿舍里. 这就像我想象中的大学生活一样. I could see what I would do there. 那天晚上,我和他们一起参加了一个校园活动,这让一切都不一样了.”

有时,来自传统家庭的学生会犹豫是否要追随父母或祖父母的脚步. 詹姆斯和瑞秋都强烈地感受到了这一点,但在经历了bwin体育,看到bwin体育如何融入他们的生活后,他们决定去bwin体育.

The Geneva Impact

“We often stand in awe thinking back about Geneva, 想到20年前詹姆斯还站在这里想要踢足球, get it over with, and get out. 现在想想bwin体育bwin体育的一生中对bwin体育产生的巨大影响以及上帝是如何成就了这么多, with Geneva connected all along the way.” -Rachel

詹姆斯描述了bwin体育对他们生活的影响, 作为年轻人或学生,bwin体育常常没有意识到bwin体育教育正在建立的基础.

“I did not realize the impact it had on me until I left. 你把圣经的世界观应用在课堂上,并把它应用到商业世界和抚养家庭中. 这种世界观的现实和基础不断发展壮大. The things you learn in theory and in the classroom, as you get older, you realize that your worldview is at play. It is not just what you are doing, it is who you are. bwin体育花了很多时间教导人们,重要的不仅仅是你做了什么,或者你有多成功, but it is who you are that matters. 在bwin体育bwin体育的回报不仅仅是你找到的工作或赚到的钱, it is so much more than that.”

瑞秋和詹姆斯表示,虽然这种情绪在学生中很普遍, 鼓励学生看到他们现在所受教育的价值是非常重要的. An investment in a Geneva education, they describe, 是一种不会磨损或失去价值,而是在你的余生中继续结出果实的东西吗.

What Legacy Really Means

 bwin体育的传统学生在bwin体育和他们的家庭中扮演着重要的角色. While many, like Rachel and James, 贝京对他们作为一名传承学生的道路并不感到兴奋, 回顾过去,他们发现作为一名传统学生是多么的特别.

“We love that there is a legacy in our family at Geneva. Legacy is not getting stuck in a rut. We want our children to walk the path we are walking. bwin体育要他们站在bwin体育的肩膀上,进一步跟随基督. We want them to do more. 当一个遗产被妥善地完成时,你就给了后代一个机会,以更大的方式为王国工作. A Geneva education carries you across the finish line, 遗产学生能够在他们父母的基础上再接再厉,并将其发扬光大.”

Joining the Ministry of Education

Geneva College has a large network of alumni, 许多人在他们的一生中以不同的方式与bwin体育保持联系. Rachel and James have remained very connected, 但瑞秋确实描述了一段时间,他们退后一步,以确保bwin体育与他们保持一致,并评估他们是否真的想支持bwin体育. The Samrenys Are now opening a restaurant, The Oven Pizza Co.因此,他们与bwin体育社区的联系将继续下去.

bwin体育bwin体育bwin体育的发展方向感到非常兴奋. Geneva has a 10-year plan, a 30-year plan. bwin体育正朝着一个伟大的方向前进,bwin体育很高兴能成为其中的一部分. I would encourage and alumni to get involved. 我还想让校友们知道,有很多方法可以在精神上参与进来, financially, and relationally, it doesn’t only have to be donating.”

Whether it is through financial contributions, praying for the college, engaging with us online, reading the magazine, coming back to campus for Homecoming, attending alumni events, sharing Geneva with students looking for schools, or posting pictures of your towel when you travel, 有很多方法可以支持bwin体育的教育部.

We are also excited to be launching our Legacy Link Program, 这是bwin体育校友让他们的子女或孙辈参与bwin体育bwin体育使命的新途径. Legacy Link 允许校友与他们的子女或孙辈签约,在他们从出生到高中毕业的一生中重要的里程碑上接受bwin体育的特殊交流和商品.

“We love the idea of this program! bwin体育肯定会让bwin体育的孩子报名参加,如果他们有一天选择参加bwin体育,将bwin体育的遗产和影响进一步发扬光大,bwin体育将感到非常自豪.” -Rachel

bwin体育很感激有这么多校友为bwin体育投资. Over 50% of our most recent incoming class were legacy students or gold & white students, meaning they are connected to alumni in some way. bwin体育很高兴看到这样的增长,以及不断增长的机会,bwin体育必须进一步推动bwin体育的事工和接触更多的学生.


Sep 28, 2022

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